PEX Pipes vs Copper Pipes for Your Home Renovation

Most people know that copper has been the standard choice for water piping in homes for many years. However, if you haven’t been faced with a home renovation or construction decision for some time, you may not know that there is a new, cheaper alternative available: PEX pipes. There are several reasons why PEX is […]

The Perfect Countertop for Your Kitchen Renovation

When choosing the right countertop for your kitchen renovation in Ottawa, there are a variety of factors to keep in mind. While countertops are a visual focal point of every kitchen, each countertop material also comes with its own maintenance requirements, budgetary impacts and thickness options that should all be considered before making a final […]

Ottawa Coach House

The design options and possibilities for a coach house in Ottawa are very exciting for homeowners looking to create more space on their property. Homeowners can now design and build a separate structure on their existing property that will increase their property value and also provide them with more living space, room for a rental income, or […]

Which Circuit Breaker for Your Home?

Some of the most important safety devices in your home, the circuit breaker is the unsung heroe of residential fire prevention. In Ontario, a new electrical code has recently been implemented as of May 2016 that affects the types of breakers required in new constructions or home renovations. Let’s quickly discuss the basics of circuit […]

Water Leakage in Your Home

Part 1: Preparing your home for heavy rainfall Nobody wants to have to deal with the inconvenience and expense of water leakage and penetration into their home. Unfortunately, due to weather, flooding or structural damage, it is sometimes unavoidable. What can you do as a homeowner to prepare and educate yourself on how to manage […]

The Complications of Mold in Your Home Renovation

One of the hidden and dangerous complications often encountered during a home renovation is the discovery of mold. It might surprise some homeowners to learn that mold poses an equally toxic danger as asbestos when you are opening up your walls and ceiling during renovation. Regardless of the age or location of the home, wherever there […]