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One of the areas where you can really make a difference in your home’s insulating value, and your home’s energy bills, is window sealing. Ensuring your home has proper sealing and window insulation around the windows is a great way to prevent energy loss, water entry and high utility bills. Here are some items to keep in mind when you are looking to analyze your home’s windows.

Types of Window

As we all know, windows act as a barrier between the outside and the inside of the home. Therefore, the number of panes in the window is important as it directly impacts the insulating value of the window.

Single pane windows are made with one layer of glass and while they are more affordable, they have a lesser insulating value than double and triple pane windows. If you notice your basement is cold, or that your windows are drafty, one of the areas you could inspect is the type of window you have. Older homes may only have single pane windows and this is an easy area where you could upgrade to improve your home’s insulation.

The good news about upgrading to double or even triple pane windows is that while they may cost more up front, over time they will pay for themselves in the energy savings you accumulate as they prevent energy loss over time.

Window Sealing

Even with double or triple pane windows, your home could still be losing energy if there are cracks, openings or gaps around your windows. Not only will these cracks cause energy loss, they will raise your utility bills and also act as potential entry points for water.

Air leaks through window cracks, or cracks around doors, ducts or soffits, will add up quickly on your utility bills and also the amount of work your furnace will have to do in the winter months to keep a stable temperature in your home.

Air sealing is a great way to fix these air leaks by using a spray foam application. Low-pressure and low-expansion foams are great around windows and doors as they provide a strong insulating seal and don’t exert too much pressure on the frames of the windows, which could lead to bending.

For smaller cracks around your windows, consider a polyurethane caulk application to fit the small spaces and ensure a proper seal around the window.

GreenON Contractor Ottawa

The Province of Ontario offers rebates through its Green Ontario Fund for windows, insulation and air sealing renovations in Ottawa. Holland Homes and Renovations is currently in the process of being approved as a GreenON contractor and we will be able to provide window installation, insulation services and air sealing as part of this program which means large rebates for our clients who are upgrading to high-performance windows or selecting air sealing services for their windows and doors.

For more information, check out, and keep an eye on our blog in the near future for more updates on when Holland Homes and Renovations will be able to offer services as part of this valuable program.