Retirement Living: Ottawa Coach Homes

Coach homes have arrived in Ottawa to much interest by homeowners who are looking to make more living space on their property. With some of these new types of dwelling starting to appear around Ottawa, you may have some questions about what exactly coach houses are and if they are a good option for seniors. […]

Fall Home Maintenance in Ottawa

With the cold weather approaching, homeowners should start looking towards preparing for the upcoming winter here in Ottawa. There are some easy steps to take before the first snow falls to prepare your home for the cold weather and to prevent damage, or even disaster, once the temperature drops. Here are some tips to make […]

Foundation Waterproofing

Melting snow and heavy rain can lead to many problems for your home’s foundation. If your foundation contains any cracks, or does not have a proper drainage system, you may end up with a wet or leaking basement. In this final part of our Foundations series, let’s look at some of the waterproofing options available […]

Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) and Slab on Grade

Last week, in the first part of our blog series on what you should know about your home foundation, we covered the basics of the two most popular choices for home foundations in Ottawa, concrete block and poured concrete. This week, we will look at two other types of foundations, Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF), and Slab […]

Things You Should Know About Your Home’s Foundation

The most important part of the home, your foundation supports every aspect of your building structure and should be carefully planned, built, and cared for. In this three-part series on foundations on the Holland Homes and Renovations blog, we will go over some of the basics of residential foundation options. To start, we will explore […]

Should You Consider a Metal Roof?

Growing in popularity over the last 20 years, metal roofing offers many positives as a residential roofing solution as compared to traditional asphalt shingles. With advantages in durability, environmental sustainability and colour selection, installing a metal roof just might be the right choice for your next roofing project in Ottawa. Here is a basic overview […]